Friday, 4 November 2011

Christmas Customs - Old Shoebox Scenes

Shoebox Scenes

After Christmas, it always seems a shame to throw away old Christmas cards that can be reused.  Either the cards can be processed by charities to make new cards, or they can be cut up and made into fantasy Shoebox Fun Scenes.  I loved making these as child and I have made them on many occasions when baby sitting for friends. I recall posting this idea many years ago on the mostly American Fibercrafts CompuServe forum and none of the very craft oriented Americans there had ever heard of it.  But I'm sure many people have done this before.  I believe the idea we used, came from an American sugarcraft egg my aunt was given by a G.I in the Second World War.  The crystal sugar egg had a scene inside and once a year it would be brought out at Easter so we could all marvel at it.  The scenes made in shoeboxes are similar in concept.
Children invariably can find loads of old birthday, Easter or Christmas cards if you ask them to look and will happily give up that old shoebox they use to store secret items if they think you will actually spend the time to make something with them.  Just make sure you have a glue stick in your handbag!
All types of greeting cards even gift tags can be used to make such boxes. You can take a very artistic view and make them all of one type such as a winter wonderland scene with snow scenes and skaters only.  Or you can do as I have (much easier readers) as in my example and just mix up the Xmas images, including one of everything that children associate with Christmas such as a nativity scene, father Xmas, a decorated tree, 3 Kings, gift wrapped boxes, stars,  holly, maybe a reindeer grazing, a snowman and candles.   Children are more than likely to add any and everything anyway.   You can do amore sophisticated decoupage version if preferred.


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